BinSina Pharmacy invites the UAE to celebrate 59 years of well-being together

BinSina Pharmacy invites the UAE to celebrate 59 years of well-being together MedEdge MEA

BinSina Pharmacy is celebrating its 59th anniversary through brand activations and giveaways thanking communities across the UAE for their support and trust. Founded i...

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Grünenthal acquires US-company Valinor Pharma and becomes global owner of Movantik® Infomedix International

Grünenthal today announced the acquisition of US-based Valinor Pharma, LLC (“Valinor”) and its product Movantik® (naloxegol), with a total deal value of approx. 0 million...

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Rethinking Healthcare Infomedix International

Equity is a value in the Danish healthcare system, and healthcare is an important part of its welfare system, resulting in a heavily financed public funds system, experie...

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PharmaGuard – SÜDPACK Medica’s recyclable blister concept – for added sustainability Infomedix International

Companies in the pharmaceutical, medical goods and life science industries are currently evaluating the packaging concepts that are used for their products. The reason –...

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